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Functions library

The functions are auto-documented.
Here are HTML pages directly generated from KeyKit code:

Functions library

You may access the on-line documentation at the KeyKit console through these functions:

funclist(str) displays at the console a list of all KeyKit functions coded in the Keypath whose names contain the string str (a regular expression)

functopic(str) displays at the console a list of all KeyKit functions coded in the Keypath whose topics (keywords) contain the string str (a regular expression). To get a list of all topics, call functopic() with no argument.

man(fname) looks for documentation about the function called fname (a string) inside the code itself (there is a specific format for that, using the keywords #name, #usage, #desc, #see and #topics). It displays at the console all documentation it found, and if it found none it will at least display the first line of the function code, so that you know what are its arguments. It also gives the exact location of the code (file and line number)

seecode() opens the text editor on the *.k file in the Keypath corresponding to the last successful call of man(). This way you can quickly have the function code at hand.

Give it a try by typing the following commands at the console:

If you're an Emacs user, you will find all of these features implemented in a vastly more powerful manner by the KeyKit major mode.

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