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This function is called just after [EVAL]uating a composition
See: BeforeEvalBoxHook
Related topics: custom

This function is called just before [EVAL]uating a composition
See: AfterEvalBoxHook
Related topics: custom

returns an array of scripts for the Compositor [OP] button indexes are the shortcut to be used at the pop-up prompt in order to call the corresponding script
See: EvaluateOnBoxes
Related topics: custom GUI

DisplayedTextIs(ch, n, mode)
this function is called for each displayed event in the main GUI, if the parameter DisplayedText starts with "custom"; it must return a string which will be displayed besides the event symbol in color DisplayedTextColor. ch, n are the event indexes in the Ev array mode is whatever number follows "custom" in DisplayedText (this allows for different options: "custom 1", "custom 2", ..) Related topics: custom GUI programming

this function is called at the end of ExScore(), if RenderScore == 1 it is called after CS_SnarfFile has been written, so it is suppposed to call Csound and process the score
See: ExScore
Related topics: custom Csound programming

DumpFullRawData(fname {, datatail})
process the current chunk of data (in the FullRawData array), then appends to file RawDataFile the resulting audio data if datatail is 0, the file is completed; a normalization check is performed if datatail > 0, this number of samples is added so that the signal ends at zero
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

DumpRawData(fname {, datatail})
appends to file RawDataFile the current chunk of audio data (in the RawData array) if datatail is 0, the file is completed; a normalization check is performed if datatail > 0, this number of samples is added so that the signal ends at zero Exactly how RawData is interpreted to build a wave depends on RawDataMode: RawDataMode = "samples" or "slopes"
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

DumpRawDataAsSlopes(fname {, datatail})
appends to file RawDataFile the current chunk of audio data (in the RawData array) if datatail is 0, the file is completed; a normalization check is performed if datatail > 0, this number of samples is added so that the signal ends at zero (analog to DumpRawData; this is another way to get a wave out of RawData)
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

returns an array of scripts for the main GUI [operation] button indexes are the shortcuts to be used at the pop-up prompt in order to call the corresponding scripts Related topics: custom GUI

this function is called whenever the graphic area of GeoMaestro main GUI is redrawed, before any other display action. ... you can use it to set up a custom graphic background Note: the next display action is a call to all functions registered in the array RegGUIbackgrounds, so if you want MyBackground() to be called, set RegGUIbackgrounds["MyBackground"] = 1 (you can toggle this off by setting it to 0) Related topics: custom GUI programming

the GeoPostInit() function is called when starting GeoMaestro, after everything else has been initialized. .. you can write here the tasks you want to be done each time you start GeoMaestro. Related topics: custom

Must be called before projecting events with "ToRawData" scripts -> checks that all variables and parameters are defined (and sets NoInterInLignes to 1) if some of the followings are not defined, it gives them default values: RawDataDF : distortion function to be used (def. "DxPxsinT") RawDataFile : eventual ASCII file (def. DATA+"RawData.txt") RawDataChunk : nb. of points (non interpolated) in each data chunk (def. 500) RawDataInterpolation : interpolation mode (def. "sin") IntendedSampleRate : used to associate samples and seconds (def. 44100) RawDataAmp : peak amplitude in the first chunk (def. 25000) RawDataMode : sets weither points are interpreted as amplitudes or slopes (all these parameters get registered in GVARS)
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

... see the corresponding chapter in tutorial 9 (HTML documentation)

NormalizeRawDataFile(fname {, ff})
reads RawDataFile (*.txt), scales all numbers by ff and writes *_.txt if no ff (or 0), normalizes according to the maximum peak in RawDataFile
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

this function is called just after the GUI performed a projector call, which happens when you click buttons [--->] or [redo] (n is the index of the resulting ligne in the RL array) ... you can use it to set up any kind of post-projection processing Related topics: custom GUI programming

this function is called by ExScore() before adding the header and writing the CS_Snarfile into a *.sco file
See: ExScore
Related topics: custom Csound programming

this function should return an array of MIDI synthesizers (see format below) it is read when importing a (s) box in the Compositor tool the importation only succeed when the requested synth number is an index of RegSynth() the indexes 0 and -1 are reserved for dummy synths and should be associated to the array ["n"= "Dummy Synth (no sound) "] all other synths are also described by arrays, with two distinct format, one clumsy but very convenient at times, the other one comprehensive but requiring more coding: format 1: --------- the required fields are: "n" a string naming the synth (to appear at the console) "c1" main command and options "mdir" should be SSDIR or "" "c2" options or spaces "wdir" should be DATA or "" "c3" options or spaces ... all of these are strings, constituting the bits of the eventual system call that will synthesize a wave file named wav from a midi file named mid of duration dur (a string), exactly as follow: system(c1+wdir+wav+c2+mdir+mid+c3+dur) ... this is a rather clumsy format, so we have a simpler one: format 2: --------- the required fields are: "n" ... as above "func" a function of three arguments (wav, mid, dur) ... here "func" has to takes care of everything: given a midi file of name mid whose duration is dur (a float), it must write a wave file of name wav. ... no paths are given for mid and wav: mid is always in DATA, and wav must be written in SSDIR the rendered wave file must be a RIFF WAVE at 44100 Hz, 16 bits (it can be mono or stereo) dur is always expressed in seconds Related topics: custom system

script handling projection to audio raw data
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

script handling projection to audio raw data
See: tutorial 11 for -f#in-depth#f- explanations
Related topics: RawData

adds to the selection of toys available from the first item in the main [TOY] menu all corresponding *.toy files must live in the TOYDIR directory
See: ChoiceOfToys
Related topics: custom GUI

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