wGMtoy [main]

class wGMtoy

  a GUI combining a closure, local parameters and one or more music
  generating algorithms depending of these parameters
See: GMclosure
Related topics: GUI

Documented methods: 
method .redraw_vue()
redraws only the graphic area of the Toy
method .getvue()
returns the id of the graphic window - an instance of wGMw
See: wGMw
Related topics: GUI

method .killredtask()
stops the current redrawing task, if any
method .set_parameter(varstr, val)
set the value for Toy parameter varstr (a string which must be an index in the ToyLocal__[toyid] array, or a global parameter name) this methods also update the Toy display if necessary
See: .getvars

method .getvars()
returns an array containing all local parameters and algorithms definitions. local parameters are actually elements of the ToyLocal__[toyid] array, where toyid is the Toy ID (a $ number) you can get the parameters current values by querying ToyLocal__, but you should not (except in special cases) set their value directly by modifying ToyLocal__ because this will not update the sliders used to manually change them: instead, use the methods .set_parameter()
See: .set_parameter

method .get()
executes the current algorithm and returns the result (which may be a phrase, a ligne or a csound score)
See: .getlast .getphrase .getscore .getlastph .getlastsco

method .getlast()
returns the last musical data produced by the Toy (always wrapped into a ligne)
See: .get .getphrase .getscore .getlastph .getlastsco

method .snarf()
executes the current algorithm and Snarfes the resulting phrase (this is the method called by the [Snarf] button)
See: .getphrase

method .hear()
sends the last phrase produced by the Toy to MIDI out except for a csound Toy with associated orchestra, in which case Csound is called and the resulting *.wav file is edited #desc (this is the method called by the [O] button)
See: .getlastph

method .getphrase()
executes the current algorithm and returns the resulting phrase (or '' if there is none)
See: .snarf .get .getlast .getscore .getlastph .getlastsco

method .getscore()
executes the current algorithm and returns the resulting score (or [0=0] if there is none)
See: .get .getlast .getphrase .getlastph .getlastsco

method .getlastph()
returns the last phrase produced by the Toy
See: .get .getlast .getphrase .getscore .getlastsco

method .getlastsco()
returns the last score produced by the Toy
See: .get .getlast .getphrase .getscore .getlastph

method .getscoh()
returns the Csound score header associated to the current algorithm
See: .getorc
Related topics: csound

method .getorc()
returns the name of the orchestra associated to the current algorithm (there is no path: the file should live in the DATA directory)
See: .getscoh
Related topics: csound

method .getsss()
returns an array defining the Toy snapshots
method .ssstake(name {, cloname})
creates a new snapshot called name (a string) if cloname is the name of a stored closure, the snapshot will reference it
See: .getcloscoll

method .sssrestore(s)
restore snapshot s s may be a string (the name of an existing snapshot) or an array (the snapshot itself)
method .getcloscoll()
returns an array defining all stored closures in the Toy such a "closure" may be only a set of distortion functions or only an event scene, or a complete closure
See: .stoEvDF .getsss .getclosure
Related topics: closure

method .stoEvDF(mode, name)
stores a new closure in the Toy, associated to name if mode is "EvDF", the current closure is stored if mode is "Ev", stores only the scene from the current closure if mode is "DF", stores only the distortion functions
See: .getclosure
Related topics: closure

method .see()
refreshes the display corresponding to the current algorithm (this is the method called by the [£] button)
method .getclosure()
returns the closure (an object) associated to the Toy, or $-1 if there is none (i.e. the Toy is open)
See: GMclosure
Related topics: closure

method .closure_import({silentf})
import the global environment as the current closure (deleting the previous closure if any) if silentf is 0 or not present, asks for confirmation
See: GMclosure getclosure

method .closure_export({silentf})
export the current closure, replacing the global environment (Ev array and distortion functions settings) if silentf is 0 or not present, asks for confirmation
See: GMclosure getclosure

method .closure_swap()
swap the current closure and the global environment
See: GMclosure .getclosure

method .closure_delete({silentf})
opens the Toy by deleting its associated closure if silentf is 0 or not present, asks for confirmation
See: .getclosure

wGMtoy [main]