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activates all events in GeoMaestro channel ch
See: DesactiveCanal
Related topics: event

activates all events in region reg
See: DesactiveRegion
Related topics: event region

activates all events in the Ev array
See: DesactiveTout
Related topics: event

AddClosureArgument(strcall, cloid)
process strcall (a string of KeyKit code defining a projector call) as follow: - all "{o}" are replaced by the closure id cloid - if there is no "{o}", a terminal "()" is replaced by "(the closure id)" or a terminal ")" is replaced by ", the closure id)" this allows projections to be defined relatively to a closure
See: wGMtoy GMclosure
Related topics: closure

AddComment(com, sco {,ln {, kflag}})    
adds the comment com to the line ln of sco if no ln is given, adds the comment as a new first line in sco if kflag = 1, does not perform arraycopy, so sco is actually changed
See: Unmomment GetComment
Related topics: csound

AddLignes(lin1, lin2 {, kflag {, kflag2}}) 
adds lin2 to lin1 the "rac" field is the one from lin2, if it exists, otherwise from lin1 the "inter" fields are added the "id" field is the one from lin1 "score", "ph" and "anim" are lin1(+)lin2 ones, which makes sense all other fields from lin1 (but none from lin2) appears in the resulting ligne -> if kflag is 1, the operation is not destructive for lin1 THIS IS NOT THE DEFAULT ! if you need lin1 again, set kflag to 1 -> if kflag2 is 1, lin2 is preserved (in any case, only its "score" field can be modified by AddLignes)
See: MergeLignes FusionneLignes
Related topics: ligne

adds list b to list a Related topics: list array

AddScores(sco1, sco2 {, kflag {, kflag2}}) 
Add score sco2 to score sco1 (this is done according to the length of sco1, so for example if it is 0 the result will actually be sco2 MERGED to sco1) if kflag==1 (default is 0), the operation is destructive for sco if kflag2==1 (default is 0), the operation is destructive for sco2
See: ScoreLength AddToScore MergeScores
Related topics: csound

AddToScore(toffset, sco, sco2 {, kflag {, kflag2}}) 
add score sco2 (with a time offset toffset) to score sco Warning: toffset is expressed in clicks ! if kflag==1 (default is 0), the operation is destructive for sco if kflag2==1 (default is 0), the operation is destructive for sco2
See: AddScores ConcatScores
Related topics: csound

AirOut(ph, dt, {,backflag})
removes notes in ph so that the remaining notes can not be closer than dt (in clicks) if backflag is -1, the phrase is processed backward (which ensures that its last note will be kept). ex: AirOut('a,b,c,a,b,c', 2b) is 'a,ct192,bt384,l576' AirOut('a,b,c,a,b,c', 2b, -1) is 'bt96,at288,ct480'

AmpScore(score, af, pamp {, kflag})
For each i-statement in score, multiply the pamp p-field by af. This is supposed to allow amplification of the score. if kflg is present and 0, the operation is destructive. Otherwise score is preserved Related topics: csound

remove marks from the mark set mk, acording to the current settings defining how lignes are to be imported as a (£) box check notably LIGNEDEPTH
See: InterMarks
Related topics: marks

Ar2List(arr {,separator})
returns a string listing the array arr content (indexes are ignored) ex: Ar2List([1=10,5=15,6=20]) -> "10 15 20" Ar2List([1=10,5=15,6=20],",") -> "10,15,20"
See: List2Ar
Related topics: array string list

a robust clone of arraycopy() (it accepts any type of argument, not only arrays)
See: arraycopy

test weither segments (or vectors) s1 and s2 are parallel Related topics: math segment

ArrMorph(arr1, arr2, step, nS {,kiflag {,xtrarr}})
returns an array representing the stage step (from 1 to nS) in a linear morphing from array arr1 to arr2 step=1 returns arr1, step=nS returns arr2 linear morphing applies to all numeric fields in arr1 also present in arr2 all other fields in arr1 are kept unchanged all other fields in arr2 are not returned sub-arrays are correctly handled: the procedure is recursive if optional kiflag is 1, integers are interpolated as integers, otherwise they are interpolated as floats advanced usage: array xtrarr may be used to set morphing properties for given items in arr1 for example, if xtrarr[i] is "cycle:5", item i will be morphed from arr1 to arr2 by a sine pulsating 5 times. currently supported properties are: "cycle:n" n integer >= 0 morph with a sine, n number of periods "bounce:n" n integer >= 0 morph with a saw, n number of periods (0 is the same as the default linear morphing) "wrap:n" n integer >= 0 morph with a wrapped line, n number of periods (0 is the same as the default linear morphing) "randtoggle" each step is randomly arr1[i] or arr2[i], the probability to get arr2[i] varying linearly from 0 to 100% "integer" interpolate with integers "float" interpolate with floats Related topics: array

ArrayListIndexAndField(arr, f)
returns an array whose string indexes are all of the form "i:f" where i is an index in arr and f is the corresponding arr[i][f] (use it to produce an array argument for mkmenu_Achoice)
See: mkmenu_Achoice
Related topics: menu programming

AudioF(aud, filt, ...) # pour champs "audio" des boites (&)
applies filter filt, an index of the array returned by RegAudioFilters() to the audio field aud. (...) are optional arguments for the filter this function is intended to be used in Compositor (&) boxes "audio" reference IMPORTANT: do not use AudioF directly in a box field, because the quotation marks would cause your work to be unrecoverable For each entry s (a string) in RegAudioFilters(), a function called AF_+s should be automatically created, with AF_+s(aud,...) being the same as AudioF(aud,s,...) So for example, in a (&) box "ref" field, use "audio" = "AF_reverse(_aud_)" instead of "audio" = "AudioF(_aud_,\"reverse\")"
See: RegAudioFilters
Related topics: audio

lists all arrays registered in GVARS which are "big": an array BA is "big" if TreeInfos(BA)["tr"] or TreeInfos(BA)["ex"] is more than n by default n=100
See: TreeInfos ForgetBigVAR
Related topics: GVARS

does nothing and returns "" Related topics: programming

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