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returns 1 if s is "yes", "y", "oui" and the like useful to query the user through a pop-up window with getastr(): OuiOui(getastr("Are you okay ?","y"))
See: NonNon
Related topics: programming

substitute all future calls to window("phrase") with calls to wscore()
See: RevertToUsualPhraseWindows wscore
Related topics: GUI custom

copies brr into arr, overriding all common indexes in arr and possibly adding new ones Related topics: array

P2Legato(score, inum {, cflag {, istop {, keepistop}}})
adjusts the durations (p3) of all notes for instrument inum so that it plays legato if cflag is 1, automatically seeks and arranges all "np.." and "pp.." statements if istop is given, it is the number of the instrument marking a halt in the legato (all istop lines are transformed in comment lines, except if keepistop is 1) see tutorial 6 for an example of use
See: LegatoScore
Related topics: csound

PATCH(bnk, num {, ch})
return a 2-click long phrase containing a bank change message followed by a program change message, for channel ch (defaults to 1) bnk ranges from 0 to 127 (bank number) num ranges from 0 to 127 (patch number)

PBetween(pos, a/seg {, b})
returns the point located between a and b at position pos pos ranges from 0 (point a itself) to 1 (point b), so that 0.5 is the middle of the segment ab if no b is given, the second argument is supposed to be a segment note: pos can actually b less than 0 or more than 1 !
See: PlusP MPlusP
Related topics:

returns a piste mapping the events in channel ch Related topics: piste

draw part of a circle in window wid (cx,cy) center, r radius, coul color th0 starting angle, th1 ending angle, s sense of rotation
See: Cerclew Ellipse
Related topics: graphics

ParaPiste(t1, t2, dt, pointft, ...)
creates a piste by calling function pointft with arguments ... for t varying from t1 to t2 with step dt predefined functions for pointft include: Cercle Spirale Rose RoseP Butterfly Cosi Moritz ... which are polar curves, defined relatively to the point CentrePolaire (the origin of the polar grids) and: Lissajous Trochoid Droite ... which are rectangular curves. Again, some of them are defined relatively to CentrePolaire ex: P = ParaPiste(0, 2*Pi, Pi/50, Cercle, 5)
See: PolarPiste Cercle Spirale Rose RoseP Butterfly Cosi Lissajous Trochoid Droite Moritz
Related topics: piste math

returns the perimeter of circle cer
See: CerP
Related topics: math circle

Phamp(ph, amp)
amplifies all velocities in ph by a factor amp

Piste(xdek, ydek, kmin, kmax, deltak)
creates a piste out of the points obeying x = Eval(xdek), y= Eval(ydek) where "K" moves from kmin to kmax with steps deltak ex: P = Piste("cos(K)","sin(K)",0,2*Pi,Pi/50) returns a piste of 100 points on a circle
See: Eval
Related topics: piste

PisteDir(pst {, sense})
if no sense or sense is not -1, return piste pst if sense is -1, return a piste with all points in pst arranged in the reverse order Related topics: piste

PisteLength(piste {, cflag})
returns the length (in GeoMaestro units) of piste (if cflag is 1, the last point is considered connected to the first one) Related topics: piste

Set the Mer distortion function for channel ch to "CtrlMapDF" and base it on the current Pit settings for that same channel ch In other words, the controllers in channel ch will obey the same variation as would the pitch of a normal note in that channel
See: CtrlMapDF VolumeToCtrl
Related topics: controller DF

PlotEv(wid, ch, x, y {,mode {,ts}})
plot in window wid an event symbol corresponding to channel ch at position x,y (in window units, not GeoMaestro ones !) mode is STORE, XOR or CLEAR (defaults to STORE) ts is the "radius" of the symbol (defaults to 5)
See: PlotP
Related topics: graphics GUI

PlotP(wid, a)
plot point a (as a circle) in window wid (uses GeoMaestro units) !! --> wid must be a window inheriting wGMw methods
See: PlotEv
Related topics: graphics GUI

alias for AddLignes
See: AddLignes

PlusP(a, b)
returns vector (point) a+b, where a and b are points
See: MPlusP PBetween
Related topics: point

returns an array containing all points displayed in the xy area of the GUI the array format is the same as returned by DisplayedObjects() analog functions are: CirclesInXY(area) FullCirclesInXY(area) SegmentsInXY(area) FullSegmentsInXY(area)
See: DisplayedObjects
Related topics: GUI object

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