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print(...) if parameter VerboseProjections is 1 use this in a projector code to give information about the projection progress (or debugging info, etc.) Related topics: programming

return a version of sco which fits GeoMaestro idea of what is a score.. (... currently this function does nothing !...) Related topics: csound

Set the Mer distortion function for channel ch to "CtrlMapDF" and base it on the current Volume settings for that same channel ch In other words, the controllers in channel ch will obey the same variation as would the volume of a normal note in that channel
See: CtrlMapDF PitToCtrl
Related topics: controller DF

changes sco format from "array" (numeric) to "string" (standard)
See: GetScoreFormat NumScore IsNumScore
Related topics: csound

WriteCompomix(nb {, mixname})
creates the Csound score and orchestra to be used in order to produce a file wave called mixname from the data in RetourB[nb] mixname defaults to SFDIR+AUDIOMIXrendered score is written in DATA+AUDIOMIXrootname+".sco" orchestra is written in DATA+AUDIOMIXrootname+".orc" (also writes the mix log in file MIX_LOG)
See: CallCsound BoxToWave
Related topics: audio

WriteEv(nomf {, dir})            
save the current Ev scene into a *.df file if dir (directory) is not specified, use DEFDIR
See: LoadEv
Related topics: event file

WriteScore(var, fname {,mode})
writes a score (var or var["score"]) in file fname if mode is "a", the score is appended to the file if it already existed
See: ExScore
Related topics: csound

accelerate(ph {, ratio {, power}})
smoothly increase the tempo within ratio (a float from 1, default 2) sets the length of the returned phrase: it will be (ph.length)/ratio power (a float from 1, default 1.5) defines the curve of the acceleration: the higher it is, the steeper is the acceleration at the end of the phrase

have Emacs evaluate lisp_string (as Emacs Lisp code) return the evaluation as a string this function will hang as long as Emacs is not connected ! however if timeout is specified (a duration expressed in clicks), then the function will always return after the elapsed time
See: ask_squeak emacsConnected
Related topics: manager

have Squeak evaluate smalltalk_string (as Smalltalk code) return the evaluation as a string this function will hang as long as Squeak is not connected ! however if timeout is specified (a duration expressed in clicks), then the function will always return after the elapsed time
See: ask_emacs squeakConnected
Related topics: manager

chante(ph {,dt})
returns legato(AirOut(ph, dt)) by default dt is 0.25b
See: legato AirOut

translate seconds into clicks, as opposed to seconds()
See: seconds

converts midi to cycle-per-seconds (Hz)
See: midipch pchmidi midioct octmidi cpsmidi midicps cpspch pchcps
Related topics: csound

converts pch to cps
See: midipch pchmidi midioct octmidi cpsmidi midicps cpspch pchcps
Related topics: csound

answer 1 if Emacs is connected to its Erlang manager, else 0
See: squeakConnected
Related topics: manager

funclist(str {, fname {, editflag}})
lists (at the console) all KeyKit functions defined in the Keypath whose name contains str (a regular expression) if fname is given, the list is also written in a file with this name if editflag is 1, the text editor displays this file
See: man seecode functopic
Related topics: help

functopic({str {, fname {, editflag}}})
lists (at the console) all KeyKit functions whose #topics contains str (a regular expression) if no argument, lists all topics currently used by the documentation system if fname is given, the list is also written in file fname if editflag is 1, the text editor opens and displays file fname
See: man seecode funclist list_function_topics
Related topics: help

getafile(dir {, regexp {, movef}})
opens a file browser and let the user choose a file or compose a new filename dir is the starting directory regexp a regular expression for selecting files for example regexp "\\.txt$" would select all files with extension ".txt" (and also ".TXT" on Windows: uppercase is automatically handled) the default is ".", which fits all files multiple regexps can be tested with an array like [0="\\.txt$",1="\\.csd$"] if movef is 0, the user can not move around directories (default is 1)
See: wfilebrowser GMbrowsefiles GetRegexp GetRegexps

Create a slider object and return its id. When the slider is moved, the invokefunc will be called with 2 arguments - the first will be the current value of the slider, and the second will be the args value. The vmin, vmax, and vinit values are the minimum, maximum, and initial values for the slider. (this is a modified kslider() used by GeoMaestro Toys GUI)

Create a 2D slider object and return its id. When the slider is moved, the invokefunc will be called with 3 arguments - the two first ones will be the current values (horizontal and vertical) of the slider, and the third will be the args value. The vmin, vmax, and vinit values are the minimum, maximum, and initial values for the sliders (h and v)

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